1. To provide age-specific stories of positive peer role models for all kids, at every age, prior to age 20, worldwide.
  2. To demonstrate many of the different ways kids, at every age can, and have, spent their time and effort improving their lives and the lives of others. 
  3. To inspire and empower kids (as well as adults) to say, “If that kid can do it, so can I,” or “I can do even better.”
  4. To spotlight, honor, celebrate, and archive positive, extraordinary achievements of kids.
  5. To create a place showcasing extraordinary achievements of kids by age. 


  1. We define “kid” as any person under age 20, with 19 being the end of the teenage years.
  2. We define “extraordinary” achievement as any positive behavior that is above or beyond what is typically expected of a kid at that age or in that situation.  The kid did not have to achieve it totally independently.
  3. We define “achievement” as a behavior, or action, actually performed, rather than the ability or potential to perform/achieve.
  4. We define “that situation” as being challenged in any way, such as physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, economically, geographically, etc.


  • Kids are frequently asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The implication is that being someone important has to wait until adulthood.
  • Perhaps the question should be, “What do you want to be now, at your current age?”

    The kids spotlighted on this website provide some answers and options to that question. 

Learn about extraordinary achievements by kids at a specific age
by clicking the AGE LEVELS drop-down menu (under our logo) or the age buttons below. 

We invite you to nominate a kid or several kids.