Aaron Yi Huang, Age 7 (Continued)

Photograph: Courtesy of Jacques X. Huang

Aaron Yi Huang, at 11 months, spoke in complete sentences and could sing a song, but he was extremely sensitive and timid. Visitors frightened him to tears. Aaron was afraid to go anywhere, even to the neighborhood playground.

His parents worked patiently with him, and things improved a little bit, but it was only when Aaron started learning music that he began to overcome his shyness. He started piano lessons at age 4 and violin lessons at 4 1/2. At 5, Aaron performed in public. The applause encourage him and boosted his self-confidence. He then entered competitions with excellent results.

At age 7, he was the youngest violinist in the Little Neck Youth Symphony and performed solos and other leading parts. The Symphony was invited to perform at the White House, the United Nations, Lincoln Center, and for Pope John II and the King of Spain. Aaron no longer fears the eyes of strangers.
(Little Neck, New York: 2001)
Story & Photograph: Courtesy of Jacques X. Huang