Bethany Hamilton, Age 13 (Continued)

Illustrated by Aron Laikin

Bethany Hamilton had been surfing since age 7 and surfing competitively since age 8. She explained, “…at eight years old, I set my sights on becoming the best surfer I could be.” Bethany’s journey to her dream career nearly ended at age 13, when a 14-foot tiger shark bit off her left arm.

One month later, determined Bethany returned to surfing. She used custom boards to compensate for her lost arm.

One year later, she authored soulsurfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. Bethany’s positive attitude, faith, and superb physical condition helped strengthen and quicken her recovery.

Within two years, Bethany won her first national surfing title. By age 17, she was surfing professionally.

Bethany explained, “I believe we can do amazing things when we focus on our abilities rather than our fears…Do the best you can with what you’ve been given…If you really want something, you’ll go after it.”
(Kauai, Hawaii: 2003)
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