Marcus Houston, Age 16 (Continued)

Photograph: Courtesy of
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards 2000

Marcus Houston developed an educational program called “Just Say Know.” It teaches middle level students what it takes to achieve academic, social, and athletic success in high school. While a star student and football player at Thomas Jefferson High School, Marcus was troubled by the number of freshmen in his school district who were ineligible for sports due to poor grades and conduct problems. He looked back on his achievements and thought about how he had become successful.

He prepared a 45-minute oral presentation on the subject which he then delivered to more than 800 middle level students. Marcus stressed the importance of values and goals. He told his audience that the way they dress, talk, and act often determine what teachers expect of them, and what they expect from themselves. His program aimed to dispel the notion that academic and social underachievement should be a bond of honor among inner-city youth. He urged young people to “Reach for opportunities instead of excuses.”

In addition to his motivational talk, Marcus developed an essay contest in which students could win a $50 scholarship and a pizza party (funded out of his own pocket) by describing their plans for success. In its third year, “Just Say Know” attracted financial support from individuals and local organizations.

Marcus explained, “Success is not an accident. It’s something you work hard to achieve.”
(Denver, Colorado: 1998)

Story: Courtesy of Prudential Spirit of Community Awards 2000