Grayson Rosenberger, Age 14 (Continued)

Grayson Rosenberger invented a lightweight, cushiony, inexpensive, cosmetic cover to disguise the metal rod of prosthetic (artificial) limbs. He created it from Bubble Wrap, the popular plastic packaging most people discard. He covered it with a flesh-colored stocking to look more lifelike. Jim McElhinery, CPO of the Nashville Orthotics & Prosthetic Services, gave Grayson expert guidance to help make the invention a reality.

Inspiration for Grayson’s invention was derived from at least 4 sources.
#1: A teacher at his school, Franklin Road Academy, informed students of the first-ever Bubble Wrap Competition for Young Inventors.
#2: Grayson’s mother had lost both her legs as a result of a car accident, before he was born.
#3: His parents (Gracie and Peter) ran Standing With Hope which works with Ghana’s government, in West Africa, to provide artificial limbs for its citizens who can’t afford them. 
#4: Grayson wanted to help strengthen Ghana’s amputees’ self-esteem and confidence as well as help them blend into the community, rather than being view as outcasts.

Of the nearly 800 fifth through eighth grade contestants, nationwide, Grayson won first place which included a $10,000 Savings Bond.

Grayson’s advice,  “Anyone can make a difference, even …a teenager with Bubble Wrap.”
(Nashville, Tennessee: 2006)