Georgie Pocheptsov, Age 9 (Continued)

Photograph: Courtesy of Georgie’s Mother

Georgie Pocheptsov’s original paintings sell for thousands of dollars and have been exhibited at major galleries in Europe and the U.S. He never took an art lesson and is completely self-taught. Typically, he painted for an hour or so before school and then for another hour or two after school. It usually took him two or three months to finish one canvas, and often worked on five to ten pieces at a time. He explained, “I see it in my head, and then I draw it.”

Because of his use of color and line, his work has been compared to that of Chagall and Picasso, but he describes his own work as “The Georgie Style.”

Georgie’s Advice:  “You can be anything you want. If you give up, you won’t be what you want to be, and if you don’t give up, you will.”
(Wilmington, North Carolina: 2001)

Learn more about Georgie as a 6-year-old artist.